Cookie Policy

At Sendo World we consider it important to know what cookies we use on our website and why we use them. Our goal is to inform you correctly and to have the best browsing experience on our website.


cookies to improve the operation of, your proper browsing, your easy connection and your smooth movement to its individual pages. At the same time cookies allow us to present you with promotional & educational content related to your interests and needs.


cookies help us analyze how visitors use our website, how they browse, and how they struggle. In this way we can constantly optimize the operation of the e-shop and deal with any problems that may arise.

What are cookies?
Cookies are pieces of information in the form of very small text, stored in the browser you use on your PC on your Smartphone & tablet (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc), helping the more efficient operation of our site. Cookies in no way damage users’ computers or the files stored on them. The information stored in cookies is used for identification & optimization purposes.

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We use cookies to provide the best online experience. By agreeing you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our policy. Click for more information  here.

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